Sales Support for 2024


Over the last few weeks we have received numerous enquiries concerning Managing Sales People and as a result we intend to set dates in March for this training programme. In the meantime, here a few pointers that might be of help to anyone managing a field or telesales team:

  1. As a Sales Manager you are now judged on the performance of your sales team and not on your own performance and this concept can be a painful transition for newly appointed managers. A good sales person does not necessarily make a good sales manager as the skill-set required is completely different.
  2. The personalities and profiles of your sales team will differ so be flexible with your management style, as you may have to wear “different hats” such as the driver, the coach or just the administrative sales management style with each team member.
  3. Put the focus on sales activities as much as you do on sales results, as it is sales activities that will generate the sales results eventually.
  4. Most sales people we work with actually like to meet up with their colleagues at least once per QTR as they find it motivational, so hold regular sales meetings.
  5. Conduct at least one individual sales review meeting per person per month that examines and discusses sales activity, sales pipelines and results to date.
  6. Most of the time if individual sales performance drops off, it can be directly linked to a drop in proactive sales activity levels, so keep monitor sales activity levels.
  7. Sales meetings should involve all sales people who attend, prepare an agreed agenda and be motivational in your style and approach. Preparation is key!!
  8. Do more field visits if you want to witness what is actually going on out in the field within your trade sector. Its also an opportunity for one to one coaching.
  9. If you are in in recruitment mode always include a sales profile exercise as part of your process as you need to identify the natural selling style of your second round candidates. There is no point in recruiting an account manager sales type for a new business development role!!
  10. If you are lucky enough to have some good sales people on your team, give them the attention and time they deserve or someone else will.

For further details on our Sales Support Service which covers recruitment, training and sales management feel free to give us a call or email